Building E, Room 205 at Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague 2
Cezary Kaliszyk (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
HOL(y) Hammer - Towards the next generation
Building E, Room 205 at Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague 2
Mark Adams (FireEye Dresden, Germany)
Cleaning up Flyspeck
The Flyspeck Project, a massive international collaborative effort to
formalise the proof of the Kepler Conjecture, is approaching completion. The
main part, known as the "text formalisation", was completed in August. It
involved the work of 11 contributors, totalling around 450,000 lines of HOL
Light proof script. The proofs process through HOL Light, but how understandable
is this work to outsiders? Unfortunately, many of the proof scripts are many
thousand lines long, have neither comments nor formatting, and prove various
already-proved or unused lemmas.
In this talk, I will give an overview of Tactician, a utility that will be
employed to clean up these proof scripts. Its features include proof script
refactoring, identification of redundancy and inefficiency, and visualisation of
the structure of a proof and the dependencies between lemmas. I will demonstrate
its use on some of the more challenging of Flyspeck's proof scripts.
Building E, Room 205 at Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague 2
Mikoláš Janota (INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal)
On Propositional QBF Expansions and Q-Resolution
Building E, Room 205 at Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague 2
Martin Suda (MPI Saarbrucken, Germany)
Everything you always wanted to know about Property Directed Reachability (IC3)
Property Directed Reachability (PDR) is a very promising recent method for deciding
reachability in symbolically represented transition systems. While originally conceived as
a model checking algorithm for hardware circuits, it has already been successfully applied
in several other areas. This paper is the rst investigation of PDR from the perspective of
automated planning.
Similarly to the planning as satisability paradigm, PDR draws its strength from internally
employing an eient SAT-solver. We show that most standard encoding schemes
of planning into SAT can be directly used to turn PDR into a planning algorithm. As a
non-obvious alternative, we propose to replace the SAT-solver inside PDR by a planningspeci
c procedure implementing the same interface. This SAT-solver free variant is not only
more eient, but oers additional insights and opportunities for further improvements.
An experimental comparison to the state of the art planners nds it highly competitive,
solving the most problems on several domains.
Building E, Room 205 at Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague 2
Josef Urban (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)